How much Does it cost?


Rates are hourly. Depending on skills, experience and location, you can expect to pay between $35/hour and $80/hour for one of our developers.

Where are your developers from?


Most of our developers are from Eastern Europe, but we have placed some from Latin America and the Philippines.

How do I know they're good?


Every developer is vetted thoroughly by our team. This includes a check of their English language abilities (we only accept developers with a high level of fluency), a review of their public work on Github, etc., a HR-style interview to check for personality fit, and an in-depth technical assessment. We have high standards and we only accept the best. It is not in our interests to send you someone who can't get the job done.

What hours can they work?


As most developers are in Eastern Europe, they have roughly a half day overlap with US working hours. Our clients find that this is enough to enable effective management. Developers in Latin America can work US hours.

What if a developer doesn't work out?


First of all, all developers take time to ramp up, especially if they're dropping into an existing team. But if you find that a developer does not meet your expectations, we will find you someone else and waive the fee for their first week.

How and When do I have to pay?


We require a $500 USD deposit before starting the search for your rockstar dev. This is because before we invest time and money in the search we have to know you're serious about expanding your team. Existing clients do not have to pay this fee.

When the search is complete and we agree a start date and all other relevant details, payment is required every 2 weeks, with the first payment due on your developer's start date. This firstpayment will be reduced by the amount of your deposit.

Can I Hire a full team?


Sure. We are sometimes asked to provide a full agile team comprised of a project manager, a business analyst and several developers. We can do this for you too.

Occassionally a team that has been working together for a while on another project becomes available. If we know what you're looking for, we can hook you up.

Can I hire a developer part time?


We don't encourage it. Our goal is to provide full time work for our developers, and to provide our clients with reliable workers who are totally focused on the task at hand, not moonlighting.

I need a specific project built. Can you just find me someone to do that?


We are focused on providing our devs with work for the medium to long term. That means we only work with clients who have a long term need for technical expertise and intend to keep developers for a minimum of 3 months.

That said, if you need a specific project built, do contact us and we may be able to refer you to one of our partners.

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